President's Welcome to the 2025 Autumn/Winter Season

14 Feb by Rebecca Virgato

Welcome back to all our families returning for another season at St John’s and welcome to all of our new families, we are excited to get to know you and warmly welcome you to our Club.

It has been wonderful to see the Courts full of parents and kids again on a Friday night for training, the school year has officially returned and so have all the routines that go with it.  As busy as life gets each week, I always like to remind myself that the whole school-work-activities juggle is just a short chapter in our lives and one we will fondly look back on in years to come.  We are honoured that St John’s Netball Club will form some of these wonderful memories for yourselves and your children.

I’d like to take opportunity to thank you to all our volunteers that make all this happen from coaches, to team managers and of course our Committee.  They have tirelessly co-ordinated all teams, coaches, team managers, uniforms, registrations, child safety  and equipment over the past weeks.  It has been a mammoth effort and the first time for many of our new committee members, well done.  

The Committee has already had a couple of meetings this year and have a list of things a mile long we would like to get underway, so if you are interested in giving us a hand we still have positions open for Secretary, Website Co-Ordinator and Digital Co-Ordinator.

The Committee now meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7pm online, so feel free to reach out to if you are interested in joining (  General Committee Members are always welcome, as they saying goes, many hands make light work.
As we head into Round 1, please remember this is social play for our children, if you have any issues or concerns on the day, you are to liaise with your Team Manager – not the Coach or Umpire.  A lot of our Coaches and Umpires are juniors, please support everyone positively.

It is important that all parents/guardians are registered in Netball Connect to be able to score and have access to the fixture and RSVP your child’s attendance each week by Thursday/Friday. Whilst EDNA will release the fixture to Netball Connect over the next 2-3 weeks it is imperative you advise your Team Manager in advance of any playing unavailability. EDNA have advised they will be enforcing fines for forfeiture this year – competition dates are below for your easy reference. Similarly, just a reminder to download and request access to your Team on the Stack Team App, all team comms are now to be via this portal. If you need assistance with either of these Apps, please reach out to or your Team Manager.

Finally, wishing all our players, families, supporters and volunteers a great first round of netball – play well, have fun and let’s go St John’s!!

Enjoy your weekend and I look forward to seeing you on the Courts.

Many thanks & kind regards

Becc Virgato

Competition Dates

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