Dear St John’s Families,
Welcome to the 2025 Autumn/Winter season of netball. We have had a change to our netball seasons this year with the
Autumn/Winter season commencing on Saturday 15th February through to Saturday 28th June (Grand Final Day).
For those of you that are unaware, we have taken over from Rae McCool as the coaching coordinators. As you can appreciate these are big shoes to fill, however we are both looking forward to the challenge. Rae will still be around the courts assisting with coaching and mentoring. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Rae for her tireless commitment she has given as St Johns coaching coordinator. We have all benefitted from Rae’s vast netball knowledge during our time at St Johns.
Training kicks off this
Friday 31st January at Riverside from 4.30pm. The teams have been uploaded to the Team Lists folder on Stack Team App. The team lists include training court and time. Generally teams train on a Friday night. The Net, Set & Go, U11s and U13s train from 4.30 to 5.30pm and the U15s, U17s & Opens train from 5.30 to 6.30pm. Please let us know if you have any specific requests for your team (
We are still looking for players in all age groups. If you know of someone who is interested in playing, please get them to contact us
We have had a few coaches leave and we thank them for their time. We also thank our existing and brand new coaches joining St Johns. We expect all coaches to be treated with respect. Please remember a number of our coaches are junior coaches so help us support them by being positive and encouraging.
St Johns communicates through Stack Team App and NetballConnect. Please ensure you download both apps (refer below for further information on how to access these apps). Information for uniform orders can also be found below.
Please note hoodie orders close on Sunday 16th February. All volunteers must have a Working With Children Check, please refer to below to send through documentation.
We will be around the courts on Fridays and game days so please come and see us if you have any queries or issues or just to say hello. Alternatively email us at .
We look forward to seeing you down at the courts!
Thanks and Kind Regards
Chantelle Bell & Julie Stanley
Coaching Coordinators
St John’s Netball Club
UNIFORMSUniforms can be ordered through this link
If you want to source your own shorts to wear with shirt, then they must be navy blue,
no longer than mid thigh, no pockets nor strings. Teams do not need to play in the
same uniform.
A soft brim hat can be worn in the game, no hard peaks.
Please note hoodie orders close on Sunday 16th February.
If you have questions then you can contact Nicole by email, Please order soon to avoid last minute rush.
Can you have your player check existing uniform size, to allow time for updated uniform
to be organised.
STACK TEAM APPPlease download and register for Team App as this is our main means of
communicating with players and families. Every family/player must have this App so
important information is not missed. Team groups will be set up as soon as
confirmed. Invitations to join the app will be emailed to any members not already
registered on or request access to your team through the app.
Enhance and simplify communications within teams and
club. How Will It Help?
1. Know as soon as training and games are called off due to rain – you will
be first to know.
2. Team rosters available on your phone.
3. Coach & Manager directly communicate with the team via a chat room –
reduces email/SMS
4. Extended Family and Friends can follow the St Johns Public posts –
just download the App
GETTING STARTED (New Players) Smart Phone Access (Preferable)Step 1: Download ‘Team App’ from the App Store or Google Play Store
Step 2: Sign Up as a member of Team App – only enter name and email
address. You will receive a confirmation email to complete Sign Up
Step 3: Search for the ‘St John Netball Club’ and select
Step 4: Request to Join Club and
Step 5: When team lists are published, choose which access group(s) you wish to
join, this is completed when the player’s team is finalised.
Step 6: Receive confirmation from Club’s Administrator or Digital Officer
Step 7: Go ahead and use the full features of the St John Netball Club Team
Remember to turn on Notifications, then your phone will make sure you
don’t miss a thing
Web Browser Access (Secondary Option esp. if No Smart Phone)Step 1: Go to Sign up as a member of Team App
– only enter name and email address You will need to receive confirmation email
to complete Sign Up
Step 2: Search for the ‘St John Netball Club’ and select
Step 3: Request to Join Club and choose which access group(s) you wish to
join, this is completed when the player’s team is finalised.
Step 4: Receive confirmation from Club’s Digital Officer
Step 5: Go ahead and use St John Netball Club Team App via the internet web
If you have questions, please contact
NETBALL CONNECT APPDownload this app to allow live scoring and communication. When the team is graded
and fixtures completed by EDNA, you can then add the team to your watchlist.
Further communication will follow via Team App when grading has been completed.
Further information about Netball Connect can be found at you have questions, please contact
VOLUNTEERSAll volunteers over the age of 18 must have a valid Working with Childrens check and SJNC must have a record of this. Please email a copy of your check to SJNC must be listed as a club you are associated with, so please ensure this is completed.
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